Monday, February 13, 2012

Weeks 4 & 5 (&6!)

So I am still staying constant with being a bit of a failure on the blog front. Who knew I could suck so bad? (I did)

My closet/stuff purge continues. I made some money on the eBay, which, as always, is a fantastic motivator - to go buy more stuff. :o(

I need to get to a mental place where I let go of old stuff, and then don't run out and immediately buy a replacement. I've been reading some other blogs (where the authors are much more successful in consistent updates) on how they are trying to handle their purchases this year. One blogger has tried the purging method, the price limit method, both with little to no success. This year she's given herself a number limit on the amount of new things she's allowed to acquire. I'm not sure if that would work for me, but I'm willing to give it a try. So far the most successful thing I've done is unsubscribe from all the retailers who send me daily emails on what's on sale.

My 5th week of the year was all about the Super Bowl. Indy hosted it this year and I knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime moment for me. I am not a big fan of crowds, or drinking, or crowds that have been drinking, but I made it a goal to go experience the events. Luckily, I work downtown mere blocks from all the excitement, making it that much more accessible and harder to avoid. All-in-all, I went out 3 evenings of the week, prompted in part by the unbelievably awesome weather we had, and the general good mood of everyone out enjoying it.

On the 6th week of the year - I'm calling it my "birthday week," even though I didn't do that much celebrating. But sometimes you need an entire week to come to terms with the fact that you're a year older. ;o)

My goal for the upcoming week - I'm going to overcome whatever sinus nasty has taken over my body AND get my financials in order (ie, filing). And I promise to report back.