Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weeks 2 & 3: omgoshthisissohard

Ok, so I am not failing on making myself do new tasks each week, but I am failing on the blog portion of my goal.

The 2nd week of 2012 I made myself network both personally and professionally. It wasn't as scary as I anticipated, and I am happy to say I would do it again. Just not every night of a week, as I did this time.

On week 3 I made some MUCH NEEDED progress on simplifying my life and getting my finances in better shape by posting some things on ebay. I find an incredible sense of satisfaction whenever I sell things on ebay or the consignment store, but I find the prep to do so can be a big pain. However, I sold 2 big ticket items this week, so the influx of cash a great motivator.

This week the goal is to purge some goods to a local charity....

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